- Expiration After 30 Days
- Description: The
ultimate link verification and site management tool. Say good-bye to broken links.
Automates routine maintenance and testing. Checks internal and external HTTP and FTP
links. Creates a what's new and what's old page. Maps the structure of your site. View the
results in the Explorer style interface or in a HTML report. Works from your PC's local
drive or a remote server on any platform. Much more! Linkbot is short for Link
Verification Robot. After entering a starting URL, Linkbot will traverse your Web site
looking for broken hyperlinks. The results of Linkbot's analysis are summarized in a table
that lists the status of each link along with many other useful statistics. It has some
nice features like: 1) Gathers 15 statistics about each link: Link status, error number,
link type, link file name, link base address, parent URL(s), link description, document
title, last modified date, expiration date, authors name, file size, content encoding,
content type, server software type and HTTP protocol version 2) Search depth options all
you to customize how many links Linkbot will scan and 3) Easy integration with favorite
editor and Web browser.